What our Customers say...

Fire Damage Testimonials

SERVPRO was quick to secure the property and got to work right away with the fire cleanup.

Thanks Aaron and crew.  Thorough attention throughout the process.

Very professional and reliable service- communicated progress of job from start to finish. Entire staff was phenomenal.

Appreciate the thoroughness and knowledge of the SERVPRO staff.  Patient as well through the approval process.

Reconstruction and cleaning of fire.  Excellent group of workers  with this great SERVPRO company.

Excellent group of workers and it is my second time with this Great SERVPRO company.

Aaron ,the owner , was 5 stars with the reconstruction and remodeling of my first floor beach front condo in Huntington Beach.  He is also GREAT WITH INSURANCE HELP TO COVER MY BIG MICROWAVE  FIRE  on February 22,2019.

His First job of water damage was in my 2000 PCH , H B, Ca.  An Excellent job 

Cory Faulk was SUPER HELPFUL EFFORT 6 or 8 stars  

Logan Phelps also at least 6 stars