3 Fire Tips for Babysitters to Avoid Smoke Damage Restoration in Orange County
6/11/2019 (Permalink)
Smoke damage restoration in Orange County is a costly business. And it’s not just about the finances. There will be the worries of “what if” and the fear that something like this could happen again. Rather than dealing with the aftermath of a fire or smoke issues, why not get a plan in place to keep the family safe.
Having a babysitter means you’re putting your child’s life in someone else’s hands. While you’d hope they’re trained and prepared for anything going wrong, there’s always a chance that something could happen. The best thing you can do is have fire tips for babysitters to help them keep themselves and your children safe.
Have All Critical and Emergency Numbers at Hand
Make a list of all the emergency numbers a babysitter is going to need. While they should have the numbers for the local police station and hospital, you also need to make sure they have numbers of both parents of the children. It’s also worth having an extra emergency number for a family friend.
Put all the numbers on the fridge or on a wall hanger by the front door. Make it easy for your babysitter to get in touch if there is an emergency of any type. While this may not help to prevent or avoid the fire, it means parents are immediately notified.
Have Rules for the Kitchen
Most of the time, a babysitter isn’t going to need to cook. They may just need access to a kettle for a drink if they want something warm. However, there are times that cooking is a necessity.
Avoid the risk of fire – and therefore smoke damage restoration in Orange County – by having a set of rules for the kitchen. Children get into all sorts of places and will pull on pans on the stove without realizing the dangers. Make sure babysitters are aware of using the back burners and keep the pot handles out of reach.
As children get older, you can also teach them the rules of the kitchen. Ensure they know to stay away from ovens, even when preheating, and keep tablecloths away to avoid pulling hot food on top of them.
Make Sure You Have Working Fire Extinguishers and Other Items
Sometimes fires do happen. They can be from silly mistakes or something more serious. Whatever the reason, some of the fires can be put out quickly, but the babysitter is going to need the right items.
Make sure you have a working fire extinguisher, fire blanket, and other similar products in the home. You’ll also want to make sure your babysitter knows how to work them. Of course, if your babysitter isn’t comfortable with using them and would prefer just to call the fire brigade, there’s certainly their option and you can’t fault them for that decision. However, give them the option to put out the fire themselves to avoid the danger and future smoke damage restoration in Orange County.
Looking out for the family means having plans just in case. If you have the plans and options there, the fires are less likely to happen. You can prevent the need for smoke damage restoration in Orange County.